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Reading Glasses - Flattering Shapes for Women. (Video Transcript)

Hi I’m Georgia, fashion eyewear specialists here at

Eyewear is such a fashion statement these days. And with all the colors and styles, it’s easy to overlook what made me the most important thing when it comes to choosing glasses that will look great on you. And that is frame shape.

True some of this is purely personal style and preference, but at a fundamental level it’s simply a fact that some frame shapes may look better on you than others. To help you get a better appreciation of this, you can find an illustrated frames that flatter guide on our website. Give it a look when you’ve got a few minutes.

Now regardless of what frame shape looks best on you, with the largest selection of designer reading glasses in the world, had got you covered. And our powerful search tool makes it easy to explore by frame shape as well as by color, size, and frame material, and in any combination. For the ladies, here we have what are called half eyes. No forget pictures of granny knitting in a rocker. Think instead minimalist. Never thought granny was so cool did you. As you can see half eyes can be curvaceous and sexy. Half eye frames are recognizable by their smaller vertical lens height which makes the frames easier to look over.

Our women’s half frame readers sometimes referred to as half eyes are available in seemingly endless varieties of shapes, colors, and sizes. Our selection for women includes nearly a hundred models from playful and colorful, to rich and elegant. Whatever your style you’ll find something you love. In fact the only hard part will be choosing just one or two. Next.

Oval. Oval frames are always in style and flattering to most faces. Our collection of oval readers includes a wide variety of framed materials from shiny metallic to colorful durable plastic. Square. Square? Well okay square-ish and these square reading glasses are anything but. In fact they are the fastest growing trend in eyewear. Maybe that’s why they’ve become the go to shape for a smart look. Whether you’re searching for a classic look or something more trendy. Our collection of square glasses includes something for everyone. Even dare I say, squares. Here we have the opposite of square.

Round. We love round, big round, small round, round retro, round oversized, metal round, round and bright colors, round in muted tones, translucent round, add more. Just hop on the site and scroll to your heart’s content. Round reading glasses have a timeless look that’s always on trend and they can be fun, playful, fashion forward. Remember Twiggy or as serious as an astrophysicist. Just choose your look and always own it.

One unmistakable look is the oversized glasses look. Bold and unabashedly the center of attention, oversized reading glasses are always glamorous and gorgeous. The bold style makes a fashion statement and is a popular choice of many leading ladies from Jackie O to Audrey H. Oversized readers are the perfect choice for whenever you want a show stopping statement piece.

Then we have the feline loving cat-eye. Meow. I just had to. Today’s cat-eye shapes are a modern take on the 1950’s classic favorite. Who could forget Marilyn Monroe in “How to Marry a Millionaire” wearing those flirty frames. They can be large with sharp corners or smaller with gently up swept curves. Just dial up the cattiness to what you think is purrfect. Okay, I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Next we have what might be the most iconic frame shape there is, the aviator. The aviator is a forever classic and is a flattering favorite of almost everyone. Numerous shots from San Francisco’s Summer of Love and Woodstock offer conclusive evidence that, on a woman, the aviator can be just as sexy as a tie dyed midriff.

Ah, the clubmaster. Among the best retro styles of the 50’s. It’s omnipresent. It’s impossible to watch movies like “Catch Me If You Can,” “Goodfellas,” or “Mad Men” and not see a pair, or five. The clubmaster look is a timeless icon. A style that says cool but a most understated, I didn’t get dressed to impress you, sort of way. As you might expect, clubmaster comes in lots of lens choices from clear single vision, no line progressive, to reading sunglasses.

Wayfarer. It needs no introduction and almost no explanation. Suffice to say the unapologetically cool Wayfarer design looks fabulous on every face. Proof positive that cool never goes out of style.

Whew, that is a lot of ladies styles. And you thought shoe shopping with fun. That just about wraps up our preview of some of the shapes available at We hope this review helps you in your search to find your perfect style. Should you need more help, our customer service associates are the best stylists around so don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Remember shopping at is risk free with free shipping and free returns always. We have the world’s largest selection of designer reading glasses but more importantly we have the perfect pair for you.

Happy reading!

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